The events revolve around a member of an extremist terrorist group called Al Zafer, who is trying to carry out a number of terrorist operations in...
The events of the Amir Al-Awamri series revolve around the struggles of the upper class in society and the personal conflicts that its members face
A divorced woman challenges society's view of her, as she attempts to confront the impact of the separation decision on her and her young children,...
In the context of suspense and excitement, the events of the series revolve around the girl Rahil, who lives a simple, quiet life, but her life turns...
The chef (Yumna) suffers from the control of her narcissistic husband (Sherif), and his control over everything. Things in their relationship develop...
The events of the series revolve around a family of Palestinian origin who lives in Salloum, but after the events in Libya they are forced to return...
Its events take place in the Nubia and Qomola regions in Upper Egypt and deals with women's rights, and its events are inspired by true stories that...
Hayat is forced to leave her son, Jude, who is eight years old and is diagnosed with autism, in the custody of her friend Munes who tries to provide...
The events of the series revolve around a dramatic context about phobia, by highlighting a number of people who suffer from this disease, the most...
The neighborhood who suffers from Parkinson's disease, Fares Yacoub, struggles to hide his first crime, which he committed by mistake against his wife
Raouf discovers that he is unhappy and dissatisfied with his life with his wife Shireen, so he decides to see a psychiatrist.
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