A sheriff living in a beachfront motel in a small Florida town is also a single father who is raising three sons and a teenage runaway, assisted by...
Cutter to Houston is an American medical drama starring Shelley Hack, Jim Metzler, and Alec Baldwin that aired on CBS on Saturday night from October...
The 8-day clash between Arthur McCoy — an incorruptible sheriff with a troubled past — and Red Bill, an infamous, solitary bounty hunter...
Houston Knights is an American crime drama set in Houston, Texas. The show ran on CBS from 1987 to 1988 and had 31 episodes. The core of the show was...
Lines will be crossed when tragedy forces two men, a mesmerizing ex-con and an embattled local cop, to face the secrets of their past. As these two...
In this anthology series, heroic scientists risk all to deal with deadly outbreaks.
Sons of Thunder is a television show that ran from March to April 1999 on CBS. It was a spin-off of Walker, Texas Ranger.
Set in the proverbial boomtowns of West-Texas and a modern-day tale of fortune-seeking in the world of oil rigs, the series is an upstairs/downstairs...
When 2% of the world's population abruptly disappears without explanation, the world struggles to understand just what they're supposed to do about...
A darkly comic swamp noir story of two best friends set in the late 1980s. Based on the novels by Joe R. Lansdale, the series follows Hap Collins, an...
The small town of Terlingua, Texas is a little known oasis on the Rio Grande River where eccentric residents trade modern comforts for a unique brand...
A disgraced, 75-year-old ex-sheriff, whose life ends at the hands of corrupt cops, is brought back to life and given a second chance by a pair of...
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