Touya Fujii is a twenty-year-old college student dating a rising singer named Yuki Morikawa. Along the way, they are faced with numerous challenges...
Relationship coach Marin Frist knows what to look for, what to avoid and what will make her happy. As the many fans of her two bestselling books...
Gulong ng Palad is a Philippine 50's radio drama series and 1980s soap opera hit. On January 9, 2006, the drama series came back in television under...
A British children's musical television comedy programme aimed at and mostly about teenagers, which aired in 2004. It was set at an esteemed...
Han Qi Lu, a young master, always keeps his distance from the opposite sex because he has a "strange disease" that makes him allergic whenever he...
"I want to be loved, as a person, and as a woman." Nakamichi Misaki is a teacher who has been married for 5 years to her attractive husband. She...
Ji Hyun is a freshman at a university in Seoul. He comes from a small rural town and is used to living in the quiet countryside. He struggles to form...
Pareena's life had always been beautifully perfect until the demise of her father, who was like her life's sunshine. After her father's death,...
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