Uplifting series following the extraordinary work of NHS staff in Newcastle's hospitals, as world-class medics and dedicated support teams work all...
Responsible for people’s lives and welfare on a daily basis doctors and nurses are sworn to protect and look after their patients. This series...
Dr. 90210 is an American reality television series focusing on plastic surgery in the wealthy suburb of Beverly Hills in Los Angeles, Southern...
The series takes us to the heart of the journey of trans people, before, during and after their gender affirmation surgery. As they prepare to...
Dr. Lisa Sanders crowdsources diagnoses for mysterious and rare medical conditions in a documentary series based on her New York Times Magazine...
In "Save My Life: Boston Trauma", viewers will get unparalleled access to top tier trauma teams inside the emergency rooms and operating rooms of the...
Over the course of one winter, this 4-part documentary series observes an intensive care unit at Berlin's Charité hospital, at the height of...
Fourteen young people are put to work on the wards at the Royal Derby Hospital.
From operating rooms to end-of-life meetings, the documentary series explores the culture of doctors and nurses and the conversations that happen...
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