Time Team is a British television series which has been aired on British Channel 4 from 1994. Created by television producer Tim Taylor and presented...
Philippe Cousteau Jr., grandson of the legendary Jacques Cousteau, explores the most spectacular places - on the earth, inside the earth, and above...
Where The Nature of Existence could only scratch the surface, the Companion Series goes deeper into the most challenging topics in the film, with...
From germs and emotions to social media and more, it's the science of your world explained in a way that's refreshingly relatable.
Hosted by Mexican TV personality Alfonso "Poncho" Herrera, this series combines hard data and scientific observations with some of the most...
Hosted by the local comedy talent Paulo Bonfá, this brazilian version of "Science of Stupid" combines science with some of the most insanely...
Documentary series dealing with every aspect of special effects in movies, from low-budget make-up to multi-million-dollar computer-generated...
Newton's Apple is an American educational television program produced and developed by KTCA, and distributed to PBS stations in the United States...
It's "Mr. Wizard" for a different decade. Bill Nye is the Science Guy, a host who's hooked on experimenting and explaining. Picking one topic per...
A wildlife documentary television series that was hosted by Steve Irwin and his wife Terri.
Antiques Roadshow is a British television show in which antiques appraisers travel to various regions of the United Kingdom to appraise antiques...
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