Chewin' the Fat is a Scottish comedy sketch show, starring Ford Kiernan, Greg Hemphill and Karen Dunbar. Comedians Paul Riley and Mark Cox also...
Goodness Gracious Me is a BBC English language sketch comedy show originally aired on BBC Radio 4 from 1996 to 1998 and later televised on BBC Two...
2DTV is a British satirical animated television show that was broadcast on ITV in the United Kingdom from March 2001 to December 2004. Lasting a...
Kakaji Kahin is an Indian political satire that aired on Doordarshan in 1988. It was one of Basu Chatterjee's acclaimed works for Indian television,...
Innovative and influential, and originally envisaged as children’s show, Do Not Adjust Your Set was a madcap early-evening comedy sketch show...
Doggy Fizzle Televizzle is a sketch comedy show that was produced by, and starred, the rap musician Snoop Dogg. It was aired on MTV in 2002 until...
Spitting Image is an award winning British satirical puppet show, created by Peter Fluck, Roger Law and Martin Lambie-Nairn. The series was produced...
LOOK AROUND YOU. Look around you. Just look around you. What do you see? A tree. A weather-vane. A discarded lollipop-wrapper. A traffic shop. All of...
Mind of Mencia was an American television comedy series on the cable channel Comedy Central. Hosted by Carlos Mencia, it aired from 2005 to 2008.
Multi-talented Kate Robbins and her comedian brother Ted appeared in their own Saturday night tea-time show from Granada TV. Here Kate impersonates,...
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