Degrassi High is the third television show in the Degrassi series of teen dramas about the lives of a group of teenagers living on or near De Grassi...
The story of Kevin Arnold facing the trials and tribulations of youth while growing up during the 1960s and 70s. Told through narration from an adult...
Dylan is terrified when a nasty bat bite transforms him into one of the living dead. His world is turned upside down, and he has to figure out how to...
Some teenagers are stranded on a desert island in Micronesia. Their plane crashed and led them into a one-in-a-lifetime eco-adventure. They will have...
Waterloo Road is a UK television drama series the first broadcast was in the United Kingdom on BBC One on 9 March 2006. Originally set in a troubled...
Naturally, Sadie is a Canadian comedy teen drama sitcom that ran for three seasons from June 24, 2005 to August 26, 2007. It was produced in Canada,...