The true story of one of the worst man-made catastrophes in history: the catastrophic nuclear accident at Chernobyl. A tale of the brave men and...
Sawano has lost his job due to depression and isn't on good terms with his wife and 6-year-old son. After a failed suicide attempt, he discovers 7...
Through Julia Child’s life and her singular joie de vivre, the series explores a pivotal time in American history – the emergence of...
A seasonal anthology series that tells startling, stranger-than-fiction true crime stories with the first season following Gypsy Blanchard, a girl...
Love, Lies, and Murder is a 1991 American miniseries starring Clancy Brown, Sheryl Lee, Moira Kelly, Tom Bower, John Ashton, and Cynthia Nixon. It is...
Halifax, West Yorkshire, England, 1832. Anne Lister attempts to revitalize her inherited home, Shibden Hall. Most notably for the time period, a part...
After witnessing the harrowing November 13, 2015 terrorist attacks, Christelle "Chris" Blandin quickly latches onto a community of survivors....
Follow the investigation into the crash of Pan Am 103 from both sides of the Atlantic and discover the devastating effect it had on the small town...
Undercover agents infiltrate a drug kingpin's operation by posing as a couple at the campground where he spends his weekends. Inspired by real events.
In October 1958, the Sicilian newspaper L’ORA coins the term “MAFIA” for the very first time to denounce the endemic organized...
In 1980s East London, a gang of hopeless crooks become embroiled in a major gold heist.
This is the incredible story behind Sweden's most notorious gangster, Clark Olofsson, whose infamous crimes gave rise to the term "Stockholm...
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